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A grinning Von Der Liar meets the Finish people. "There's evidence you are directly supporting Genocide" "That's your position, not ours" https://x.com/BowesChay/status/1798932223124705481

“The farmers are fighting not just for themselves but for all of us. There’s nothing right-wing about this. This is the sort of thing that the left used to fight for.

be brave defend humanity

JABS THEY KNEW WEREN'T SAFE - If you watch & share 1 video today, make it this?

WHO's deputy director-general dr. Mike Ryan: "We celebrate differences of opinion, we value all voices and we want to hear all voice because all voice matter...We don't shut down dialogue, we don't try to silence people . But what we want is a debate that's based on the facts, that there's a debate that's based on good information. Challenging power is always a good thing, challenging those who have it is always a good thing. But we need to have a respectful debate. We need to look at the value of things and we need to look at the risks that any decision we make in our society poses. National, international legislators know that and they have to do that all the time. So when we have a society like is in Switzerland where those who disagree with the process can gather and protest against it, we should celebrate that. We should not reject that. What we should do is reject those who will manipulate that, those who will poison that debate, those who will induce falsehood into that debate and use it for their own personal gain or ask people to sign up and pay for the pleasure of supporting that particular movement. So I think all citizens should question when new policy emerges. You saw today even our member states want to go and look at this legislation. They're acting on behalf of many millions of people and they want to check and make sure..."

From Resident Evil The Final Chapter. The red queen informs Alice about the secret file in which Dr. Isaacs presents Earth's future and talks about cleansing the world using the T virus. He makes it clear that the planet is struggling because of the human race. (complete scene).

Bill Gates: "We're not on a path to get to 1.5 °C limitation climate, it's changing the entire industrial base. It's an extremely hard thing to do. Innovation gives you a chance of doing it...it's gone far better than I would have expected, even in very tough areas like steel, cement, agriculture, hydrogen..." https://x.com/newstart_2024/status/1798784409228763254

Nigel Farage: We were told "Take the vaccine, and you won't catch Covid" - June 6, 2024

Rep. Jamie Raskin: "Let's start with ivermectin which I believe is an animal deworming agent that some people were advocating for use to treat Covid-19. Has this been approved as a form of treatment or a cure for Covid-19? FDA commissioner Robert Califf: "No it has not...it actually won a Nobel prize because it's an amazing drug both for animals and humans who have worms and there was a good reason to think it may work in the case of Covid and that's why thankfully the community including the NIH did a number of randomized clinical trials. There's just no benefit...

Dr. Deborah Birx is a Psychological Terrorist and a Medical Murderer. She has admitted to Crimes Against Humanity…and she will continue to commit Crimes Against Humanity…until she’s arrested.

Doctor Kary Mullis was an American biochemist. In recognition of his role in the invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, he shared the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Michael Smith and was awarded the Japan Prize in the same year. PCR became a central technique in biochemistry and molecular biology, described by The New York Times as "highly original and significant, virtually dividing biology into the two epochs of before PCR and after PCR.

This is the ‘test’ they’re using for the ‘Bird Flu Pandemic’. Please understand that if you don’t have a ‘test’…you can’t have a ‘Pandemic’.

The Democratically elected Slovak leader Robert Fico adresses the forces behind his assassination attempt. Even after being shot, he remains resolute, more a democrat than those that tried to kill democracy by assassinating him. A remarkable man.

Trump says Israel needs to finish bombarding Gaza more quickly. He says unnamed people are telling him the Oct. 7 attack never happened, just like Holocaust Deniers. He laments that the Israel Lobby is not powerful enough, and even Chuck Schumer has become "like a Palestinian"

Dr John Campbell breaks down the Netherlands paper on excess deaths which has gone viral after being acknowledged by UK media and high level politicians. Based on data from 47 western countries they determined a shocking 3 million excess deaths (2020-2022). The persistent high levels of excess deaths despite implementation of vaccination raises serious concerns and the paper called on Governments to investigate the matter more thoroughly. No doubt this is a massive breakthrough moment on a matter we have been discussing for years now. 💥🙌💥

Breaking news. Tonight, for the first time, an Australian Funeral Director, of 30 years experience, has spoken about the deaths being seen at the funeral homes. "This has been going on for 2.5 years. Its a lot of 'sudden', a lot of turbo cancers, and heart disease. It's a lot of people who are young and healthy and they are just dropping dead. This is something you didn't hear 5 years ago, 10 years ago. It's suddenly, that's all you are hearing."

Representative Ronny Jackson: "Dr. Fauci, I have to say, I, as so many Americans, am deeply disappointed in your actions during a critical time in our nation’s history while you were in key leadership roles as the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease and as the Chief Medical Advisor to President Biden. Put quite simply, you failed miserably, in my opinion. Based on all we have learned during the pandemic, and all that we have since learned through this committee’s work, I believe your failures stem from both an effort of self-preservation, manifested by a series of lies and cover-up, and by a total failure of leadership. It was obvious to everyone that you, your organization, and the NIH, had a lot to lose if the American people were to discover that COVID-19 was most likely leaked from a lab in Wuhan China, and that you, via EcoHealth Alliance and Peter Daszak, actually funded this research, and that this lab was actively and recklessly conducting gain-of-function (GoF) research. As such, you did everything in your power to deflect and cover up this possibility. You even recruited others to help you in this effort. Unfortunately, this cost our country and the world valuable time, time that may have led to answers regarding the origin, may have blunted the spread, and would have almost certainly saved lives. While I think most of us have known all along what I just described, what I have been appalled to discover, through sworn testimony to this committee, is the level at which you and those that worked for you went to cover up the obvious. https://x.com/newstart_2024/status/1798707017378349480

Who runs the world? Unimpressive, senile, out of shape idiots, according to Tucker Calrson. He regales his meeting with WEF leader Klaus Schwab and poses a question to us all: Why are the most evil leaders so dim? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zfu26GrYT_A

Sen. Ron Johnson: "It was certainly good news that there was not a agreement (Pandemic Treaty) voted on and approved during this round. But I just need to caution everybody that the globalists, they're relentless. For them this is just a temporary set back, they'll be coming right back and doing everything they can to gain greater control over our lives, over our personal health autonomy. So I do appreciate the fact that more and more people eyes are being opened...There's a growing group of people globally that recognize that the our response to Covid was a miserable failure. It was run by a bunch of power hungry politicians and other government officials that want control over our lives. But these people are relentless and they're enormously powerful, they'll never admit they're wrong and they've got the power to make it very difficult to prove them wrong. So again, we can't rest and be satisfied like this is the end of this. This is just the beginning."
Source: GB News

Fmr. CDC Director Robert Redfield Makes a Series of Stunning Admissions That Were Once Deemed 'Misinformation' "There was a decision not to do anything that made the vaccine sound like it didn't work." "Two thirds of the people that I'm seeing infected in Maryland have been vaccinated." "If you came down and visited me and interviewed my patients...you'd interview patient after patient after patient that did not have COVID but are very sick. You would say very sick, long COVID patients. And it's all from the vaccine." "The spike protein is immunotoxic. You get infected, it's immunotoxic. But when you give the vaccine, we make the spike protein." "When I give you an mRNA vaccine...I don't know how much spike protein you make because I give you mRNA and then your body goes and makes it...You may make it for a week...You may make it for a month." "I use the protein vaccine so I know exactly how much spike protein you get. Your body's not becoming a [spike protein] manufacturing plant."

June 5, 2024 - Professor Emeritus at Tokyo University of Science Dr. Yasufumi Murakami says self-replicating mRNA "vaccines" will cause exponential production of the spike protein, are "very likely" to be passed from one person to another, and have already been injected in 4,000 people. In this clip from an interview with Mike Adams (@HealthRanger) Professor Emeritus at Tokyo University of Science Dr. Yasufumi Murakami (@yasufumi06) describes how "self-replicating vaccines" using mRNA technology will cause exponential production of the spike protein in recipients. Murakami, who specializes in molecular oncology, immunology, and molecular biology, also says that the self-replicating "vaccine" is "very likely" to pass from one person to another. Murakami, who has been an outspoken critic of the COVID injections that are currently available to people (victims...), also agrees with Adams' assessment that once these self-replicating injections are unleashed on humanity, it's possible that "it can never be stopped." Furthermore, as war correspondent Michael Yon (@Michael_Yon) notes (Yon is near Murakami in this interview, but off camera), "more than 4,000 [people have] already [been] injected" in Japan. On top of those 4,000 recipients, Murakami says that a rollout of the technology will commence in October of this year in Japan. https://x.com/SenseReceptor/status/1798414943357726775

G. Edward Griffin joins me to talk about his book The Creature from Jekyll Island which explores central banking cartels, why the truth is not enough, the nature of money, and the biggest socioeconomic problem in the world today. G. Edward Griffin is a legendary author, filmmaker, and public speaker.

OMG SHE’S BACK…“Deborah Birx wants to test millions of cows in the U.S. weekly and test dairy workers for ‘asymptomatic’ bird flu cases…” https://x.com/liz_churchill10/status/1798376606182015447

“Were High Officials engaged in Sex-Trafficking Minors with Jeffrey Epstein…he had cameras everywhere…where are those tapes? Where’s the investigation…?” -Senator Kennedy to FBI Director Chris Wray https://x.com/liz_churchill10/status/1798387118563287145

Dr. Fauci Fumbles + The Truth Comes Out - The NARRATIVE: “When you look at the deaths and hospitalizations of people who are unvaccinated, it's like this 📈.” The TRUTH: “I don't believe any vaccine is 100% effective.” 👇 https://x.com/ChildrensHD/status/1798393479980007772

Jesse Watters: "Fauci's junk science ruined millions of lives in order to force people to get vaccinated...Fauci had a financial interest in force feeding the vaccine, his scientists made almost a billion Dollars in royalties from pharmaceutical companies during the pandemic. And Fauci lied about how effective the vaccine was...So Fauci got rich off deadly gain of function research and they want to put Trump in prison for an NDA which congress has dozens of to the tune of $17 million." https://x.com/newstart_2024/status/1798395550879903989


Created 2 years, 5 months ago.

3160 videos

Category Education

PI4PSI established January 2022

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"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that He is God." Gnostic

"For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." ~ Natural Law

"That's the way the ruling class operates in any society. They try to divide the rest of the people. They keep the lower and the middle classes fighting with each other so that they the rich, can run off with all the f---ing money. Fairly simple thing. Happens to work." George Carlin

"The people who do not underestimate the severity of this are but few. Because this is an all annihilating force that hate our guts. It hates creation, it hates life. And it will do anything to destroy us completely. And the way to do that is to divide humanity. Divide and conquer is their truth. Humanity is a manifestation of light, that is the true creation. As long as you divide them based on political parties, skin colour, you name it. Then you - from a Luciferian point of view, that is - suppress the full capacities of your enemy, their full power. They can’t stand up for themselves because if that would happen, the Luciferians would lose. Then this monster, the greedy monster would disappear. I tell people about this old American general who puts an entire room of people in the dark. The eyes adapt to the darkness, but you can’t see thing. Then general doesn’t say a word and suddenly he flicks on the lighter, one little light, and due to the prolonged darkness, you experience a manifestation of light from a single point an everyone can slightly see each other again. And then he says: ‘that is the power of our light’. Unite. Unite." - Bernard

"War is a place where young people who don't know each other and don't hate each other kill each other, by the decision of old people who know each other and hate each other, but don't kill each other." Erich Hartmann

"They have no beginning. They do not come into being. They are and always have been and always will be." - Walter Russell

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